IT, stands for Information Technology, a completely knowledge-based industry, which has emerged as the fastest growing sector. Many people contribute to making any industry successful and taking it forward and in the same way, there are many great people who have moved this industry and its technology inexorable forward. It is their strong desire which has made the IT industry stand at this stage today.   


  1. Steve Jobs

Steven Paul Jobs, the Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Apple Computers Inc., now Apple Inc. he was widely famous as a pioneer of the personal computer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s, along with his early business partner and apple’s co-founder namely Steve Wozniak.

Steve Paul Jobs was born at San Francisco city in the California state of U.S.A. on the 24th day of February 1955 as the son of Joanne Carole Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali. Thereafter as an infant, he was adopted by Clara and Paul Reinhold Jobs.

At the age of 21, Steve Jobs along with Wozniak started Apple Computers. They both are recognized for revolutionizing the computer industry by making the world realize that good simple technology is for everyone. He transformed the computing industry by making the computing products compact, elegant, and accessible to everyone, in every place.

In the year1985, Steve Jobs was forced out of Apple after a long power struggle with the company’s board and its then-CEO John Sculley, so he resigned as Apple’s CEO (his resignation was considered that Steve Jobs was kicked out of Apple).

Instead of being discouraged, Steve quickly set up a new firm called NeXT Inc., designing powerful workstation computers for the education market and in the following year i.e. 1986 Jobs acquired a controlling interest in Pixar, a computer graphics firm that had been founded as a division of Lucasfilm Ltd. from George Lucas.

Over the year Jobs with his hard work and his innovative ideas changed Pixar into a major animation studio and later became Pixar Animation Studios. Thereafter Pixar Animation Studio under the guidance of Steve Jobs produced the first full-length feature film to be completely computer-animated such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles.  In 2006, eventually, Pixar Studio merged with Walt-Disney, making Steve Jobs Disney’s largest shareholder.

The $ 400 million sale of NeXT to Apple in December 1996, which Steve Jobs brought back into Cupertino’s fold. Apple was being run by Gil Amelio, a CEO who oversaw Apple’s worst ever financial quarter. He offered Jobs to lead the company again. Steve Stepped into the apple again. Jobs introduced the iMac, an egg-shaped, one-piece computer that offered high-speed processing at a relatively modest price and initiated a trend of high-fashion computers.

Steve Jobs was undoubtedly an extraordinary personality by any standard. He has left his mark on these technical industries: Personal Computer with Apple II and Macintosh, Music with iPod, iPhone, iTunes, and many more. He is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s most eminent business executives and unrivaled visionary. He has changed millions of lives by making technology easy to use, exciting and helpful.

Steve Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. He had undergone many surgeries. After a long battle with pancreatic cancer, he died on October 5, 2011, in California at the age of 56. But Steve Jobs’ impact on the world continues today through his accomplishments in the Information technology industry, innovation, and product development.


Spouse Name                   : Laurence Powell Jobs (1991 to 2011)

Children                           : Lis Brennan-Jobs, Eve Jobs, Reed Jobs, Erin

                                          Siena Jobs

Steve Jobs Net worth: Steve Jobs had a net worth of $ 10.2 billion

                                          At the time of his death in 2011.

Steve Jobs had received many awards so far which are as follows:

Steve Jobs Movie made on Steve Jobs biography which was Release date on 23 October 2015, Director by  Danny Boyle. This movie was highly appreciated by the people and its Box Office collection was $34.4 million

My Favourite Quote by Steve Jobs:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

2. Tim Berners-Lee

Sir Tim Berners -Lee also known as TimBL is generally credited as the inventor of the World Wide Web (he invented the World Wide Web referred to as www in 1989). Having invented the World Wide Web an Internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing in 1989 while working at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory, subsequently working to ensure it was made easily and freely available to all and also now, he is trying for enhancing and protecting the web’s future.

Sir Berners-Lee was born on 8th June, 1955 in England, London. his parents were both mathematicians, they were employed together on the team that built the Manchester Mark I, which is one of the commercially built computers.

TinBL completed his schooling in London, thereafter Tim Berners-Lee went on to study physics at Queen’s College, Oxford, where Mr. Lee built a computer with a soldering iron, TTL gates, an M6800 processor, and an old television. While at Oxford. Once he was caught hacking along with one of his fried and consequently, he was banned from using the university’s computer.

Tim Berners-Lee wrote the first web client and server on 20th of December, 1990. His specifications of URLs, HTTP, and HTML were refined as web technology spread.

In 1994, he founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a Web standards organization now Tim Berners Lee working as Director of W3C that develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential. In the year 2009, he launched Web Science Trust (WST) and presently he is a founding Director of the Web Science Trust (WST) to promote research and education in Web Science, the multidisciplinary study of humanity connected by technology. In November 2009 Berners-Lee also launched World Wide Web Foundation (WWWF) in order to campaign to “advance the Web to empower humanity by launching transformative programs that build local capacity to leverage the Web as a medium for positive change”. He is a Director of the World Wide Web Foundation.

He is a senior researcher and holder of the 3Com founder’s chair at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). He is also a Professor in the Electronics and Computer Science Department at the University of Southampton, UK.

In 2001, Berners-Lee became a Fellow of the Royal Society. He has received several international awards so far. In 2004 he was knighted by H.M. Queen Elizabeth II for his pioneering work in the field of Information Technology, and in 2007, Berners-Lee was awarded the Order of Merit. He was named in Time magazine’s list of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th century.

If his name was included in Time Magazine’s list of the 100 most important people of the 20th century, then it is not surprising because till date he has acquired so many achievements that are not possible to count in a single paragraph.

His greatness can also be ensured by the fact that Berners-Lee made his ideas available freely, with no patent and no royalties due. He is now a professor at the University of Oxford’s department of computer science, working alongside his long-time research collaborator Nigel Shadbolt as a member of Christ Church college. He is also a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US and will continue to work on shaping the future of the web through his work with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the World Wide Web Foundation.

3. Bill Gates

William (Bill) Henry Gates III, was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle City in the Washington State of U.S.A. He is the co-founder and Chairman of the world’s largest software company namely Microsoft. He has a net worth of 133.8 billion. Bill Gates was continuously declared the wealthiest person from 1995-2007 and in 2009. In the year 2013, he was declared the richest person in the World

Bill enrolled at Harvard University in 1973, where he met with his future business partner Steve Ballmer and their first joint venture was to develop a version of the Basic programming language, for the first microcomputer called MITS Altair 8800, one of the first microcomputers.

Immediately thereafter Bill Gates left Harvard to found “Micro-Soft”, in 1975 with Paul G. Allen which later became Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft took off when Gates began licensing his MS-Dos operating systems to manufacturers of IBM PC clones. Its drive to global dominance continued with the development of Windows, its version of the graphical user interface, as an addition to its Dos command line.

In 1985, Bill gates developed the first ever version of the “Windows” operating system with IBM. Thereafter in 1990, the first version of Microsoft Office Suite was launched. These both Windows operating system and Microsoft Office Suite are the best-selling product of “Microsoft”. Each of which has achieved near-ubiquity in the personal computer market other than Apple.

Bill Gates also donates heavily to charity. Gates is as famous for his random acts of kindness to individuals and groups/institutions as he is for his work in the field of computers. Gates donates generously to students who work while they study and also to poverty-stricken countries, due to donating heavily he even lost his status as the richest person in the world on the Forbes list of wealthiest people. Even though Gates donates so freely, he is one of the most successful young businessmen, innovators, programmers, and philanthropists. Apart from this, Gates is also the author and co-author of several books. Since 2000, Gates has given away about £15.5bn – a third of his wealth – to charity. Such is his fame in the world outside computing.

4. Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is the co-founder of the most famous social networking website Facebook and currently working as CEO of Facebook. He was born 14th of May, 1984 in White Plains, New York United State.

He got his interest in Information Technology at an early age of 11 years and when he was in high school, he built a music player software called the Synapse Media Player under the company namely intelligent Media Group. Including Microsoft and AOL, many have shown their interest in purchasing the aforesaid software and hiring teenager before graduation.

Mark Zuckerberg enrolled at Harvard University and completed his graduation.

Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook on 4th February 2004, and within the period of 11 months by the end of the year, Facebook had got 1 million users.

On May 24, 2007, Zuckerberg declared the Facebook Platform as a development platform for programmers so as to create social applications within Facebook. Zuckerberg announced Facebook Connect, a version of the Facebook Platform for users on July 23, 2008. Zuckerberg reported that the company reached the 500 million-user mark on July 21, 2010. Facebook had roughly 9 million users in Russia in 2012.

Zuckerberg launched the project in August 2013. The primary goal of this project was to provide Internet access to the 5 billion people who were not connected as of the launch date.

In 2010, Zuckerberg was named number 1 on the list of the Top 100 “most influential people of the Information Age” by Vanity Fair magazine.

In New Statesman’annual survey of the world’s 50 most influential figures, Zuckerberg was chosen as number 16 in 2010.

Also, Zuckerberg was the keynote speaker at the 2014 Mobile World Congress (MWC), held in Barcelona, Spain in March, which was attended by about 75,000 delegates.

5. Sundar Pichai

Pichai Sundararajan well known as Sundar Pichai is the CEO of Google. he was born on June 10, 1972, in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India into a middle-class family. His wife, Anjali Pichai is a classmate of Mr. Pichai with whom he met at IIT Kharagpur.

Mr. Pichai did his 12th standard in Chennai and after the completion of his twelfth grade, Sundar Pichai enrolled in IIT Kharagpur at Kolkata.

At IIT,  Sundar Pichai on the Bidhan Chandra Roy Memorial (B C Roy) silver medal for being a topper and excelling in academics, and upon graduating in 1993, Sundar Pichai won a scholarship to Stanford University to study masters in materials science and semiconductor physics.

Initially, he was working in McKinsey & Company later in the year 2004 Sundar Pichai Joined Google as a product manager

In 2004, Sundar Pichai joined Google as a product manager.

Initially, he worked with a small team on Google Toolbar. At that time google was a toolbar that allowed the users to access the Google Search Engine for then popular web browsers like Explorer and Firefox.

It was a toolbar for then popular web browsers like Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox and it allowed the users to access the Google search engine. Sundar Pichai also worked on other products like Google Gears and Google Pack. Google Gears was software for creating web apps and Google Pack facilitated the download of many Google software tools in its archive.

Later, Sundar Pichai realized that Google should develop its own internet browser. So Sundar Pichai discussed this plan with his senior and then CEO Eric Schmidt but he denied his proposal. Thereafter he succeeded in convincing the co-founder of google Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

On 2 September 2008, Sundar Pichai released the beta version of Google Chrome for Windows XP in more than 100 countries, and by 2012 Google became the most popular web browser in the world and has a market share of more than 67 %. This grand success popularized Sundar Pichai in the tech world.

This can be regarded as his biggest success at Google and this paved the way for Sundar Pichai to later become the CEO of Google and Alphabet. This grand success popularised Sundar Pichai in the tech world.

Later, he played a pivotal role in the innovation of several software products like Chrome OS, Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Maps.

Some products like Chrome OS, Chromebooks, and Chromecast are based on Chrome.

From 2011 to 2013, Sundar Pichai also served as a director of Jive Software.

He was also present on the Board of Advisors at Ruba, Inc.

By 2012, thanks to his diligence, Sundar Pichai rose to the rank of Senior Vice President of Chrome and Google apps.

In 2013, Sundar Pichai accompanied Larry Page and Nikesh Arora (then Chief business officer of Google) to a Samsung factory in South Korea to strengthen the ties between the two companies.

On March 13, 2013, Sundar Pichai became the new lead for Android after Andy Rubin was shifted to new projects at Google.

He also started the Android One program.

Brad Stone declared Sundar Pichai as the Most Powerful Man in Mobile.

In 2014, he was promoted to in charge of products and this in turn made him Larry Page’s deputy.

In 2016, he was featured on Forbes as Google’s new superpower.

On August 10, 2015, Sundar Pichai was chosen to become the successor of Larry Page and become the next CEO of Google.

As the CEO, Sundar Pichai took the responsibility of Google Search, Google Ads, Google Maps, Google Play, YouTube, and Android.

On December 3, 2019, he became the CEO of Alphabet, the parent company of Google.

Now, Sundar Pichai is one of the most successful CEOs of Google and under his leadership, Google and Alphabet are touching new heights. Sundar Pichai’s net worth is a whopping $600 million and he receives $281 million in compensation.

As the CEO of Google, he is striving to build technologies for everyone because they act as an equalising force.

6. James Gosling the Father of Java

James Gosling OC is a Canadian Computer Scientist. He is often called Dr. Java. James Gosling was born on 19th May 1955 in Calgary in the state of Alberta, Canada.

As James had been very much interested in the newly developing computer technology of that time since his childhood, so he did his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Calgary, Canada in the year 1977. Thereafter in 1983, he went forward for doing his Ph.D. in Computer Science. During this period, he was also writing Emacs, which he named the Gomacs, he also worked in the development of the multiprocessor version of the UNIX Operating System, and several compilers as well as mail systems.

In the year 1984, he Joined Sun Microsystems and later provided his valuable Services to many wells know IT companies including Google. In the year 2017 he started working with Amazon since then he continued working with the same.

Before java language world relies on C++, which incorporated several oops concepts and looked perfect at that time. But then it was realized that C++ can be made to program only a specific set of devices, as it is platform-dependent. This led James towards the motivation of creating a platform independent language that apart from the computer could be used to program other devices as well.

James started working towards the development of this language in the year 1991 with some of his college friends, which had taken 18 months for James to develop the first working version of this language. It was initially named “OAK” and later in the year 1995, it was forever named “JAVA”. James has invented the authentic layout of java and also the compiler and the virtual machine. Java as we all know is a language with the widest scope, which has changed the internet forever with its amazing features and simplicity. We owe the development of this boon to none other than James Gosling.

  • In the year 2002, James received the “THE ECONOMIST” Innovation Award and also, “THE Lifetime Achievement Awards” by Flame.
  • In 2007 he was privileged as the “Officer of the Order of Canada”. This is the second highest honor that any pacifist of Canada can get.
  • In the year 2015 he was honored “IEEE John von Neumann Medal”

7. Linus Torvalds

Linus Torvalds is an American software Engineer well known for building the Linux Kernel, which is a core system code used in most of the operating system distributions in use today. He has given his contribution to managing tens of thousands of developers that contribute code for functions and bug fixes for the kernel. He has also developed a distribution control system widely used by development teams across the world called GIT.

Torvalds did his master’s degree in computer science from the NODES research group at the University of Helsinki between 1988 and 1996. During his university years, one of his course books was Andrew Tenenbaum’s book “Operating Systems: Design and Implementation,” where he was introduced to MINIX, which was a stripped-down version of Unix that led him to a fascination with Unix’s clear structure and underlying philosophy.

In January 1991, Torvalds purchased an Intel 80386-based IBM PC clone and then later received his copy of MINIX. The new processor and MINIX started him on the path of coding his own drivers, such as disk drivers, serial drivers, and a file system, as well as different OS processes because he needed them in order to participate in newsgroups to learn more about the POSIX standard. By doing these things, he had already unwittingly created Linux, but it was not until Ari Lemke, his friend who administered the FTP servers gave him a directory called “Linux” that the name was coined. He eventually wrote his Master’s thesis titled “Linux: A Portable Operating System.” Torvalds officially announced the OS in the MINIX Usenet newsgroup “comp.os.minx” on August 25, 1991.

in 2000, The Open Source Development Lab (OSDL) was established, which later merged with the Free Standards Group to form The Linux Foundation. Linus Torvalds is still an active contributor and moderator of the Linux kernel under the foundation and manages contributions from thousands of developers.

8. Richard Stallman

Richard Matthew Stallman is an American computer programmer and free-software advocate who founded the Fre Software Foundation in 1985. He was born 16th March, 1953,in New York,  U.S.A.

Stallman acquired his bachelor’s degree from Harvard University in the year of 1974 in Physics. In 1971, as a freshman at Harvard, he had begun working at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (later Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he wrote the Emacs text editor in the C computer programming language with James Gosling.

In 1983 Stallman started working in his personal time on his GNU Project, or GNU operating system that was intended to be a free version ofAT&T s UNIX, and the name GNU was created as a recursive acronym of GNU’s not UNIX. One of the last of the “hackers,” computer programmers who strongly believed in freely modifying and sharing computer code, Stallman left MIT in 1984 due to concerns about changes to the university’s software copyright rules.

In 1985 Stallman created the non-profit Free Software Foundation, which initially focused on supporting his GNU Project. In the year of 1990, he has been awarded a MacArthur fellowship, the so-called “genius award” that gives recipients a substantial financial stipend with no strings attached. The award helped free Stallman to write various utilities for the GNU Project, such as the GNU Emacs editor, GNU compiler, and GNU debugger, which would later be combined with the kernel developed by Linus Torvalds, a Finnish computer science student, to produce the GNU/Linux, or 

Linux, operating system in 1994. Stallman’s GNU Emacs Manual, which has gone through numerous revisions, is freely available from the GNU Web site.

With the release of a free operating system, Stallman and the Free Software Foundation focused on promoting free software and the development of the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL), commonly known as a copyleft agreement, which gives authors a way to allow their works to be modified without releasing them to the public domain.

In 1999 Stallman published “The Free Universal Encyclopedia and Learning Resource,” a paper calling for the creation of an open-source encyclopedia. Almost as soon as he set up the GNUpedia Project, another open-source encyclopedia project, Nupedia, the predecessor of Wikipedia, appeared and adopted the GNU Free Documentation License, so the work on the GNUpedia Project was merged into Nupedia.

In September 2019 Stallman attracted controversy after attempting to discredit an alleged victim of Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex offender. Later that month Stallman resigned from MIT and the Free Software Foundation.

9. Ted Codd

Ted Codd is a British computer scientist. Codd did his graduation from Oxford University and serve in World War II, thereafter Codd joined IBM in 1948 as a mathematical programmer.

in 1967, Ted Codd received a doctorate of computer science from the University of Michigan. He subsequently developed the principles of the relational model of database management, which were published internally within IBM in 1969 and publicly in 1970 in the seminal paper “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks”. Codd continued to develop his theories, but he was not included in the IBM project to implement his ideas. As relational database systems grew in popularity in the early 1980s, he became increasingly frustrated that his vision was not being implemented correctly. In 1985 he published Codd’s 12 rules that defined his criteria for the essential qualities for a database management system to be considered relational.

10. Steve Shirley  

Shirley was born on  16th September 1933 as Vera Buchthal to Arnold Buchthal, a judge in Dortmund who was Jewish and who lost his post to the Nazi regime,[4] and a non-Jewish Viennese mother. Originally a Kindertransport child refugee, In July 1939 Shirley arrived, at the age of five together with her nine-year-old sister Renate, in Britain as and recognized how lucky she was to have been saved. spent her early years living a serene existence in the English Midlands town of Sutton Coldfield near the Welsh border. She studied mathematics by attending classes at the local boys’ school, since that subject was not being offered at girls’ school.

In the 1950s, after graduating high school, she worked at the Post Office Research Station at Dollis Hill (where World War II code-breaking machines had been built).

Taking evening classes for six years, she obtained an honors degree in mathematics and married physicist Derek Shirley in 1962 and in the same year i.e.1962, Steve Shirley founded Freelance Programmers to offer women who were busy with elder care or child-rearing a means of earning a living, as well as developing professionally as computer programmers. The company was created by a woman for women.
In the 1960s and 1970s, opportunities for women to have careers in computing beyond clerical work were virtually non-existent.

Starting her company at her kitchen table with just a few pounds investment, the company grew quickly and, by 1975, had over 300 programmers, 297 of them women.

The company, which had become F International, was floated on the London Stock Exchange (after Shirley had given many shares to her employees) and changed its name to Xansa in 2001. She retired in 1993 and has since been very active in philanthropy via the Shirley Foundation, particularly for charities supporting research into autism and emerging technologies. As well as receiving dozens of honors, Shirley is former president of the British Computer Society and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. She has given away most of her wealth to philanthropic causes, including a gift of £10 million to found the Oxford Internet Institute.

11. Martha Lane Fox 

Martha Lane Fox, Baroness Lane-Fox of Soho,  is a British businesswoman, philanthropist, and public servant. She was born on 10 February 1973 in London, United Kingdom. She co-founded Last Minute during the dotcom boom of the early 2000s and has subsequently served on public service digital projects. She is the director and chairperson of the boards of Twitter, WeTransfer and Chanel, as well as being a trustee of The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust. She previously served on the board of Channel 4.

She entered the House of Lords as a crossbencher on 26 March 2013, becoming its youngest female member, and was appointed Chancellor of the Open University on 12 March 2014. In October 2019, she was named by media and marketing publication The Drum as the most influential woman in Britain’s digital sector from the past quarter of a century.

Lane Fox was appointed Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2013 New Year Honours for “services to the digital economy and charity”. In February 2013 she was assessed to be one of the 100 most powerful women in the United Kingdom by Woman’s Hour on BBC Radio 4. In the same month, it was announced that she was to be created a life peer to sit as a crossbencher in the House of Lords.

On 25 March 2013, she was created a Life Peer as Baroness Lane-Fox of Soho, of Soho in the City of Westminster, and was introduced in the House of Lords the next day. On 29 October 2015, Lane Fox was ranked 15th on the Richtopia list of 100 Most Influential British Entrepreneurs. In February 2016, Lane Fox was elected a Distinguished Fellow of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, after being nominated by The Duke of Kent.

In October 2019, Lane Fox was named by media and marketing publication The Drum, in association with the Futures Network, Innovate Her and WACL, as the most influential woman in Britain’s digital sector from the past quarter of a century.[6]

12. Ajay Bhatt

Ajay Bhatt is credited for his greatest invention of USB or the Universal Serial Bus. He was born on 06th September 1957. He has completed his study at the City University of New York and started his career with intel and has contributed to the company’s growth.

Apart from USB, Bhatt has invented other technologies. He was involved in the development of many other solutions that Intel later introduced to the market. These include, for example, the AGP bus, which influenced the performance of graphics cards, and its “successor”, the PCI Express connection. In total, Bhatt has obtained over 130 patents and continues to work on solutions to make technology more accessible and user-friendly.


Satya Narayan Nadella is an Indian American business executive. He is currently working as Executive Chairman and CEO of Microsoft succeeding Steve Baller in 2014 as CEO.

He was born on 19th August,1967. Nedella did his BE in electrical engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology in 1988.thereafter he received M.S. in computer science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1990, and completed his MBA from the University of Chicago.

Satya Nadella worked at Sun Microsystem a as a member of its technical staff prior to joining Microsoft in 1992. At Microsoft, Nadella has led major projects that included the company’s move to cloud computing and the development of Azure, one of the largest cloud infrastructures in the world.  After Nadella took over in 2011, the cloud Services revenue grew from $16.6 billion to 20.3 billion in just two years. Nadella’s leadership of Microsoft included a series of high-profile acquisitions of other companies like Mojang, Xamarin, LinkedIn and GitHub. Since Nadella became the CEO, Microsoft stock has risen more that 130%, achieving an all-time high.

In 2018, he was a Time 100 honoree. In 2019, Nadella was named Financial Times Person of the Year and Fortune magazine Businessperson of the Year.

In 2020, Nadella was recognized as Global Indian Business Icon at CNBC-TV18‘s India Business Leader Awards in Mumbai.

In 2022, Nadella was awarded Padma Bhushan, the third highest civilian award in India by the Government of India.


Vinton Gray Cerf was born on 23rd June 1943. He is an American computer scientist who completed his Ph.D. in the year of 1972.

Vinton started his professional career with IBM as System Engineering. He is considered “the father of the internet”. He started this title with Bob Kahn who is also an American Scientist.

Cerf was the Program manager for the United States Department of Défense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) funding various groups to develop TCP/IP technology. During the late 1980s, Cerf moved to MCI where his active participation was required in the development of the first commercial email system (MCI Mail) connected to the internet.

Cerf has worked for google as a Vice president and Chief Internet Evangelist since October 2005, Vinton joined the board of the Internet Corporation for Assignment Names and Numbers (ICANN) in 1999 and served till November 2007.

Cerf was elected as the president of the Association for Computing Machinery in May 2012, and in August 2013 he joined the Council on Cyber Security’s Board of Advisors.

Vinton’s contribution in the field of internet and technology has brought him laurels. He was honored with awards that include the Nation Medal of Technology, the Turing Award, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

15. Azim Premji

Azim Premji is one of the top richest people in the world. he was born on 24th July 1945. while pursuing his graduation in electrical engineering from Sanford University, USA, he was called upon to handle the family business in 1966 at the age of 21.

He was running his father’s company called Wipro an oil Mill but Azim Premji Transformed Wipro into a consumer goods company that produced hydrogenated cooking oil.

when IBM was asked to leave India, Wipro entered in the Information Technology sector.  In 1980, Wipro moved to software development and started developing customized software packages for their hardware customers. As of 2019, the total assets of Wipro was $12.4 billion.

In 2011 Azim Premji has been awarded Padma Vibhushan, the second highest civilian award by the government of India.


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